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Yu Suzuki thinks Space Harrier VR would be a fun game

Yu Suzuki recently spoke with the Shenmue Ambasassdor about a range of Shenmue-related topics, but perhaps the most intriguing piece that came out of the interview didn’t have anything to do with Shenmue at all.

Asked which of his favorite classic games he’d like to remake, Suzuki responded with “Space Harrier in (virtual reality) would make for a very fun game.”

Obviously, this is far from confirmation that Suzuki will work on a Space Harrier VR game, but with Sony’s upcoming PlayStation VR headset and Suzuki’s close relationship with the company, it certainly could be plausible in the future.

Another SEGA game, Rez Infinite, was announced for PlayStation VR during last year’s PlayStation Experience event. Perhaps if sales of Rez Infinite are good, might we see more SEGA games in VR?


Chris Powell

Chris is the editor-in-chief of Mega Visions Magazine and the co-creator of SEGA Nerds. He was the former managing editor of Airman magazine and has written for publications like Joystiq, PSP Fanboy, RETRO magazine, among others.
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